Sunday, September 23, 2012

Connectivism creates...

I watched the video interview with George Siemens this week where they discussed the idea of connectivism among a lot of other topics. I thought it was a pretty interesting interview considering the idea of connectivism is brand new to me. Siemens talked about the important of transitioning our thinking about learning and knowledge to one that is based on connections. This type of learning promotes growth and development in participants and emphasizes the primacy of connection. I definitely agree with the fact that emphasizes the importance and primacy of connecting with other people, a lot of people.

Seimens also talked about the words complicated and complex. I thought this was an interesting part of his interview because I've never personally thought about the difference between the two. He said that something complicated would be like a puzzle that is not put together, but it has all the pieces. Something complex would be like the weather, something we cannot predict.

I feel like traditional education then is complicated. Traditionally we are on a linear learning path being taught one subject, with one book, by one person. Though the teachers and books are different, it is generally the same process in this country (United States) throughout elementary and high school. We have all the pieces of the puzzle we need and we know the ultimate goal, to graduate. Where is the focus on learning style in that equation? The missing piece of the puzzle...

Connectivism then is complex. It is unpredictable in that you don't know who will participate in what discussion, you can't predict what people will say in most environments, but especially in a nontraditional online course. Also you never know what direction the course itself will go. I'm sure every time this course is taught, the materials are the same but the discussions are vastly different; what topics people focus on depends on the connections people make. Connections create discussions, discussions create open education... opening your mind to learn new things from a lot of new people.


  1. Very good. I agree with the sentiments expressed. Learning is a lifelong process. Humans are social beings and we were not designed to learn individually but through group effort. Each one teach one and it continues. Do you realize how much you can and do learn when there is cooperation on a group project?

  2. No I actually don't! This whole concept is completely new to me. I've always worked alone mostly because I was shy when I was younger but as I grow up I am learning more and more about the power of connections and learning from other people's perspective. Of course the concept isn't new to me but actually practicing it definitely is... but I'm excited it about it.
